Pastorale des Jeunes de Bruxelles : Rue de la Linière, 14 - 1060 Bruxelles (Saint-Gilles)
Tél. : 02.533.29.27 et 0476.060.234 - E-mail :
International Youth Camp Modrave, Croatia (6-12/08/2017)
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Every year International Youth Camp Modrave gathers around 40 young people from 18-29 years in Drage Pakoštanske (near Zadar), giving them an opportunity to socialize with others in activities that combine prayer, work, and fun. This year's session will take place from 6-12 August, at 50 EUR per person. (NB The Modrave Camp is one among many projects under the umbrella of the Students' Catholic Centre-SKAC Zagreb (web-page only in Croatian), a non-profit organization led by laymen and oriented towards the young in the spirit of Christianity, inspired by the Bible, the Church tradition, social doctrine of the Church and Ignatian spirituality).
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